“The best admin I ever had.” That’s a phrase that most of us have heard at some point, and one that all admins would like to hear. But what does it mean? What sets the great admin apart from the average admin? Although there are a host of skills needed to be a successful administrative assistant, what separates a great admin apart from a good admin is their ability to create a powerful partnership with their manager and others on their team.
Some of the elements of a positive partnership are:
1. More productivity and less relationship management
When you study and learn the attributes of your manager’s style you’ll find you spend less time managing the relationship and you’ll have more time to be productive. Your knowledge of their style will enable you to communicate effectively and efficiently. You’ll find the partnership is working and the stress level for you both has diminished.
2. Trust and Respect
Trust and respect are the foundation for a successful partnership. Open communication is the result of mutual trust. The universal law that what we give out we get back becomes apparent. Give your manager trust and respect and you’ll get it back. Be the initiator and don’t expect to earn trust and respect over night, like great architecture, building a firm foundation takes time. Do what you say you’ll do, even the small things. It’s consistency, reliability and follow through that will make all the difference.
3. Shared Values and Common Goals
When you and your manager have shared values and goals you are aligned and able to act on their behalf. Identify their goals and understand their priorities by observing their actions. Ask strategic questions like:
• Who do they make time for?
• What deliverables do they ask you to track?
• What are their nonnegotiables?
• What are they rewarded for delivering?
With the answers to these questions you’ll become a united team. You’ll have the information needed to manage their time and priorities to ensure their success.
4. Empowerment
Because you have a rock solid foundation built on the above principles, your performance can now be propelled to a new level. You have the freedom to make decisions, act independently, and put your strengths to work. You are empowered to be the best admin your manager has ever had!
“As administrative professionals we experience the challenges and rewards that are common for us all. Our first priority is to provide support to either a person or a project. Success starts with us.”
I love that photo of you and Darlene. Darling. :)